detention dam in Chinese
- 拦洪坝
- 蓄洪坝
- 滞流坝
- "detention" in Chinese : n. 1.阻止;阻留。 2.扣留,拘留,监禁。 3.(罚 ...
- "dam" in Chinese : dam2 n. 1.母兽。 2.〔古、蔑〕母 ...
- "flood detention dam" in Chinese : 拦洪坝; 滞洪坝
- "flood-detention dam" in Chinese : 拦洪坝
- "detention" in Chinese : n. 1.阻止;阻留。 2.扣留,拘留,监禁。 3.(罚学生的)课后留校。 ...
- "dam" in Chinese : n. 1.水闸,坝,堰。 2.坝中的水。 3.【矿物】坑道堰。 4.(牙科用 ...
- "dam in" in Chinese : 围坝堵水
- "a house of detention" in Chinese : 拘留所
- "act of detention" in Chinese : 扣留行为
- "administrative detention" in Chinese : 行政拘留; 行政滞留
- "arbitrary detention" in Chinese : 擅自拘留, 任意扣押; 无理拘禁;任意羁留
- "authorization for detention" in Chinese : 羁留授权书
- "be under detention" in Chinese : 在拘留中
- "conversion by detention" in Chinese : 扣留他人之物的侵占行为
- "criminal detention" in Chinese : 拘役; 刑事拘留
"illegal detention" in Chinese, "detention book" in Chinese, "detention facility" in Chinese, "initial detention" in Chinese, "detention time" in Chinese, "detention house" in Chinese, "temporary detention" in Chinese, "detention tank" in Chinese, "subsurface detention" in Chinese, "detention camp" in Chinese, "detention centre" in Chinese, "detention charge" in Chinese, "detention charges" in Chinese, "detention clause" in Chinese, "detention damages" in Chinese, "detention fee" in Chinese, "detention for questioning" in Chinese, "detention home" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of detention dam in Chinese and how to say detention dam in Chinese? detention dam Chinese meaning, detention dam的中文,detention dam的中文,detention dam的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by